Wednesday, January 25, 2006

...and finally I realized...

It's the subconscious that's in control, you realize that right?

Or maybe you don't. And that's the point.

In the case of deciding what your likes and dislikes truly are, sometimes you can fool yourself... initially preferring the outwardly obvious, quick fix things... but coming around to realize that the more subtle, perhaps backgrounded, of things is what you're actually drawn to:




Not so similarly there are occasionally songs or albums that I like and can't quite figure out why. One example of this is Bows and Arrows by The Walkmen. It made it up quite high on my list of favourite albums for 2004... but there wasn't any definable reason I could point at to explain. There's a barnburner of a song called The Rat, but there was something else going on...

Today I was listening to a second hand copy someone had brought in... and on track five, My Old Man, it struck me: This is a song with a single note, unchanging bass line! That's the way to go, man! Have a listen:

My Old Man

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