Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Turn off the porchlights

Back at work after what seems like a whirlwind tour of the maritimes, but really wasn't. Saturday did menial tasks (laundry, groceries, sweeping the mines out of the bathtub) in between bouts with the soundfiles for the One One Hundred show that evening. Things there went fairly well... not a big crowd, but we didn't do big buzz on it (at least I don't think we did). James videotaped it and will be featuring clips on the Lost Boys site. Chris made a minidisc recording that turned out very very nicely so there may be soundfiles and/or actual CDs floating around in a while.

Sunday was breakfast at the Blue Canoe with Mandy, John and Margaret... where in a semi-daze (brought on by a cholesterol surge, no doubt) I managed to forget my camera on the table, so we had to drive all the way back out to Lincoln. Scenic, frustrating, embarrassing... but successful in retrieval.

Sunday night was a birthday pisser for the H-man, Howard Biggar, whose birthday, it turns out, wasn't until Tuesday in reality. Luckily we got started early with pizza and cake alongside the beer & rum. The early start meant we got wrecked early enough to be in bed at a reasonable hour. Though as per usual I stayed up an extra couple of hours at home listening to Damien Jurado and watching Waking Life.

Monday was a medium-well-done hangover/work day. I had booked the night off from the lab and was fully prepared to not go to Saint John that night... then James called with that puppy dog phone voice of his, and his cynical enthusiasm warmed my heart. Ergo, shortly after the end of the working day we found ourselves on the bus to SJ, and eventually parked on stools at Elwoods waiting for things to get underway with the Akron/Family show.

The show was all laidback intensity... I have a few pictures to post of it (and the other show once I get my camera cable up here) so you'll be able to see for yourselves. Elwoods itself is pretty cool and renovated. The menu is funky pub... I had some yummy vegetarian potstickers, deep fried with hot chili dipping sauce... only $5 for a dozen. Good good.

Spent the night at Gordie's in the Narrows. The family was down a vehicle so we had to get an early start to make sure everyone reached their destination in a timely fashion. It's the first time in a long... ever... that I've found myself in a mini-van with three other adults and five kids (all before 9 a.m.) That and a bowl of porridge made for an odd start to the day. Though it was early to rise we still only made it into Fredericton for 11:30 am... late to open the store. No one was there to complain, though.

Now I'm here without having been home yet.

I'm looking forward to bed, yes.

Pictures tomorrow.

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