Wednesday, December 14, 2005

ah, synchronicity

So how much of it is actual stress and how much of it is stress made up to keep things sizzling?

One sure way to tell that I'm not quite right is that I can't seem to sleep properly through the night, but neither can I seem to make it through the day without a series of naps (not always possible).

I'm feeling a little less negative about the seasonal disaffect. The possibility of being around people and not feeling like pole-axing them into a waiting mote is rising in my field of view. Though my weekend plans of laundry and shopping being pushed to next weekend may change my p.o.v. right back.

Two fun store things from yesterday:

Putting posters out into our floor display rack I'm trapped out in the middle of the store when someone comes up the stairs. I hate being out from behind the counter when a customer comes in... feels like being caught pulling up your zipper for some reason. Anyhow this gentleman looking a little like this...

...comes right up to me, within about, seriously, a foot and a half and says... not asks... says, "Birdcalls."

So, yeah.

Couldn't help him.

The next incident involved someone I know who works at another record store, of the mall variety. He'd just gotten done explaining how some genius on Sunday had shoplifted a bunch of stuff from his store... Since they're hi-tech they have beepy sensors and all... but the power of the dash is still a force to be reckoned with. He'd just finished telling me the sad tale when a heavily parka'd and back pack'd individual wanders in right next to my friend who says, "Hey man!!" Now this guy knows a lot of people so I figured this must be an acquaintance of his. Parka man asks, "Do I know you man?" To this my friend says, "Yeah you're the guy who robbed my store on Sunday. Are you here to sell what you stole?" There was much redness of face, cover banter about Nazareth vinyl, then slow, sauntering dashing... through the snow, probably

Thursday, December 08, 2005

It's beginning to look a lot like...

...the slow clubfooted slouch towards Bethlehem v.6.0

As the Americans struggle to keep their biases cleverly masked under the guise of de-Christing xMas... (it's the HOLIDAY season y'all)... in order to, I dunno, prevent someone from blowing up nativity scenes in Akron... I, myself, bemoan the secular holiday. I mean, who do you complain to if you don't want to participate in the reindeer games yet still need to buy toilet paper occasionally? I shouldn't have to punch babies in the face to get people to move faster through the narrow aisles... I really shouldn't.

I propose an xMas-free supermall. It would entail each store to be equipped with, instead of greeters, interrogators... so that if Lardy McMomstein tries to sneak out with non-gift tube socks in hopes of making them in to a present the staff would crack down on her faster than Brad Woodside on anti-family values at BOOM! on a Saturday night.

Maybe there are some wrinkles in the idea need ironing, but that's someone else's job, not mine.

I may just be a little cranky because I'm working on no sleep. I had a cup of coffee a little too late in the evening last night and found myself still up at 6 a.m. watching DVD special features in order to break down my braiwaves. I finally got to sleep around 6:30 a.m. and had a weird dream about wandering into my old high school to pee only to be caught up in some sort of group trivia/scavenger hunt nonesense involving dumpsters behind Chinese restaurants. At 9:30 a.m. I woke up rested, sort've, and allowed myself an extra half-hour... that unfortunately turned into an hour that turned into a blur of pants and toque yanking-on to make it to work on time. The rest of my day involved McDonald's, dry shaving in public washrooms and deflecting Pitney Bowes offers.

Ho, frigging, Ho.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005


It's really cold out.

Do you want to drive me home?

I'll give you these:


Thursday, December 01, 2005

Favourite instore quote of the week

"He's a genius, he knows how to do things..."
