Monday, December 04, 2006

Holla Holla Holla

Here's something you can print out, photocopy and staple/tape to any surface you desire:

Hopefully first in a series.

Things I have learned, but will soon forget:

1) Don't pick Sunday for your night to drink.
2) If you do pick Sunday for your night to drink, don't drink strong beer, lager, stout, rum and eggnog & creme de menthe in one sitting.
3) If you do #2, don't make it on a day you went to a buffet for breakfast.
4) Buffet and Breakfast... not a happy pairing.

Things I've seen/heard:

Cover of Cosmopolitan at Shoppers with Kate Winslet on the cover... they quote her philosophy: "You have to make the most out of every day." What would we have done without that bit of wisdom?

In the same vein was a radio "report" on the nature of crosswalk signal buttons... do they work? Should radio do "reports" on shit people talk about when they're too stoned to cross a street?

A blind guy with a walking stick trying to get through the King's Place food court. He started whacking people, then the anchored seating, eventually getting turned around and heading in the completely opposite direction he was initially heading. It never occurs that someone could really suck at being blind.

Three people, two guys and a girl, all wearing high style camo tops at the Subway on King. (The girl had red jogging pants on... someone is going to spot them).

The other labs in D'Avray are closed tonight. I have a bunch of beefy guys working on some Education or Phys Ed. group project and Shane singing along to country videos with headphones on.

How many days 'til Xmas?



Joe Merrick said...

Poster is great. Who's number is that?

Joe Merrick said...

Nevermind, the internet is powerful indeed. Will print and distribute.

Anonymous said...

hello. it's mireille again.


I'm posting that around montreal.

Anonymous said...

I've chosen my knuckle tattoos.


Anonymous said...

or this one