Monday, September 19, 2005

One day one chair.

You know if you sit in one spot for a long time in can actually do you more physical damage than a day spent doing heavy lifting or wind sprints or reaching for stuff high up in cupboards.

Sunday was my onliest full day off this past weekend... so to make the most of it all (theoretically) I went over to Howard's on Saturday night to get as far away from Harmless Jazz and Booze as possible. Sometimes the combination of beer and music is in just the right balance, but this Saturday the beer end of the teeter-totter was closest to the ground. Blame it on the rain.

Getting home was no problem... just knowing what time it was when I got to bed... that isn't so clear. From how I felt when John called me for breakfast at 10:30 am I'd say it was quite late... and that I possibly pulled a rose bush and not a blanket over top of me. Seeing as John made the early morning drive in from Chipman where he was visiting the country home of Phil Clark I thought the least I could do was pull my act together.

In any case I had a Fiddlehead poetry meeting at 2 pm. Plowing through and rejecting many many submissions is not a very hangover-friendly activity either.

So come 5 pm I dragged myself back home, reclined my recliner and "watched." which is to say slept through, several movies... recently purchased and otherwise. The foreseeable but still unavoided problem with this is that when actual bedtime came around there was little in the way of sleep to be had. I managed about 2 hours from 2 to 4 am then wide awake. Being too groggy to do anything requiring brain-having I parked myself back in the chair, pulled a blanket up to my chin chin, and used that recently arrived at anaesthetic: the audio commentary track. Slept like a hungover baby.

So now I'm still in the land of grog. Hopefully tonight I'll be able to reschedulize myself and avoid prolonged exposure to the insight provided by any number of ESL production designers/directors of photography.

Wish me luck.

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