Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Surge gone... tide goes out.

The weekend has passed, and these things I have learned.

1) The best time to plan/promote/stage/play an evening of multimedia excitement is not your first 50-hour work week of the year.

2) It's especially not a good idea to have to go set up and play three hours after said work week ends.

3) Climbing ladders makes you sweaty.

4) Harmless Jazz. Booze. ZZZzzz.

All in all it was a fairly successful affair. We could've had more people, but you always can have more people. The pieces fit well together... though a little more time smoothening out the rough edges and improving the "look" of the evening might've been a good idea. All things to carry forward to January.

Now it's a matter of figuring out what's next... and that could be a show down in Moncton with the Houlton RD Trio folks sometime in late October... details have to be ironed out (or ironied out, perhaps).

On the day to day front... there's a Fredericton loiterer who seems to be following me around in a bid to have me witness his passing. I say this because for the last couple of days there has been the sound of a very distinctive, and very mortally-wounded coughing coming from across the street in front of City Hall. That alone is not a matter to raise speculation. After all, those park benches are magnetic beacons for those loafers who aren't part of the King's Place food court caste. However, on my way through the graveyard connecting Carleton St. this morning what did I hear but KAAWRRRF (more or less the sound of styrofoam packing encased in a block of ice and thrown into a wood chipper) coming from beneath a tree near the Junior High building. I thought, "oh good, he knows the end is nigh so he's crawled into a cemetary... nice planning." Except that around noon I was doing some paperwork at the store and what did I hear but KAAWRRRF coming from a bench in Phoenix square yet again.

All I can say is that when I'm in Montreal at the end of the month if I hear that noise... I'm running.

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