Friday, August 03, 2007

Even Flo

Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I'm in summer house-sitting mode which throws my routine off... and here at Howard and Linda's the computer, or at least the internet, seems not to like me.

Due to some technical jumbo-gumbo I'm on an older computer that had been disconnected from the internet due to it's ailing CD/DVD burner making it less than adequate for high density torrent shenanigans (those of you who don't know what I mean are really better off for it, trust me). In the meantime the new PC (yeah, PC) doesn't have it's virus repellent bondage program installed. I've temporarily re-connected this older burro to the super-highway, but it gets stubborn and sits still for long stretches when I do something radical like, oh, open a second tab. Although it may also be that the internet has discovered that I'm not using it in the prescribed method. I'm not clicking on the Yahoo! homepage links to win iPods or Plasma TVs or learn more about Britney's battered babies (Mmmm batter...) or Lindsay's Drug Hell... or whatever. I mainly only have store stuff to do, but the slow processing makes doing a simple order hellish and I have no patience left over to do blog stuff.

So here we are----

with some pictures (above and below) from my last Florenceville visit from a couple of weekends ago:

...and what was briefly left of all the trees on Carleton Extension between George and Charlotte after the city got through with them.

According to a street resident the power lines that run along Carleton are feeder lines that carry much higher current that splits off to the rest of the city grid along the way. As a result the trees had become "electrified." I.E. someone climbing them, or even coming into contact with them, ran the risk of electrocution. Apparently there has been a recorded case of this in Nova Scotia.

I'll have more of my Northside zaniness to report soon... such as my run-in with a near dead but still terrifying insect in the bathroom this morning. But for now... ciao

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