Friday, August 24, 2007

Let it rain.

Hey, you know what? It's almost September! WTF!!

Actually... since I experience time in a linear fashion... and can portion out that one day = one day no matter when it falls in the month/year... I kinda knew it was coming.

I've been splitting my time between my home-home and my home away from home-home (i.e. house-sitting), and this does make for a sort of disjointedness. Since I'm using Fredericton transit to get back and forth I'm a little hampered by their schedule as far as comings and goings. That just means that if I neglect to bring papers with me to work in the morning for some aspect of work/play/work-play it's about 3 days before I can take another stab at remembering. You know how you end up with all your umbrellas in one spot... not the spot you're in when it starts to rain? Like that but across the board.

As I mentioned last post the computer situation over there is less than idyllic, so I've turned my attention to other pursuits... Playstation on the big screen tv makes your eyes go buggy... so small doses there. There's nothing on tv really except Law and Order reruns... so, no. I've been trying to get into J-Pod by Douglas Coupland, but the 40+ page explication of Pi really gets on my nerves... so, no. Finally I turned my attention to the release of David Lynch's new movie on DVD.

Inland Empire
is a 3 hour surrealist smorgasbord funded by revenue from Lynch's website and shot on digital video. Like many of his films there is the hint of a concrete storyline at play somewhere in the middle ground of the narrative, but it is obfuscated by layers and layers of visual metaphor and time-shifted doppelgangers so that balance is always compromised. The bare bones outline is that Laura Dern's character, Nikki Grace, is an actress hungry for a part in a movie called On High in Blue Tomorrows... indications are this will mark a comeback for her. The film, apparently had been the subject of an attempted production some time in the past... derailed when the leads met with an untimely end. Rumours are that the film is cursed. Sure seems so as Nikki disappears into the rabbit hole of the film's history... her identity shifting constantly back and forth between character, actress and other middle steps of self... make you woozy.

I've watched it once in two chunks (I started late one night and my brain only could take 90 minutes before it just... turned off), and perused the extras, a second disc with 75 minutes unused footage, random other weirdness and a vignette of Lynch preparing Quinoa. It'll surely take several more passes to get the lion's share of nuances... then again I'm still piecing together Mullholland Drive.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

laura dern's performance here is ASTONISHING. the academy should be ashamed of themselves for overlooking her.