Thursday, March 23, 2006

I am Jack's ennervated stomach acid

I am serene.

Though in the last two weeks my part-time guy started a new full-time job and so could only work part-part-time, leaving me to pick up the slack...

I am serene.

Though having to work one of the last four days I've had off at the lab on Sunday...

I am serene.

Though I've been trying to plan when to see my folks for the last three weeks (and they keep asking when, when, when in creaky, old folks' voices) but things keep popping up to force rescheduling (hey, call your mom, right now)...

I am serene.

Though Exclaim! sprang a last minute interview assignment on me last week where I had to write a review, track down the artist, request the interview, come up with questions and hound him for answers... all between Monday and Thursday...

I am serene.

Though I'm supposed to be playing a show on Saturday where my main contribution is the manipulation of sounds... but because the lab's been busy and the store's been busy and there really aren't anymore hours in the day and I'm too tired to stay long afterhours (though not tired enough to get to sleep before 3 or 4 am each night) therefore I have maybe a tenth of the material I'd hoped to have prepared...

I am serene.

Though James and I don't have a way to Saint John to see Akron/Family on Monday yet...

I am... serene.

This is the sound I am hearing in my head: AaaaOOOOUUuuuummmm.

1 comment:

Joe Merrick said...

My favourite song yet. It's been getting too much airplay though, so I'm a little sick of it.