Thursday, March 02, 2006

You miss me, you really, really miss me

It's been brought to my attention that I didn't update for a whole week. Would you believe I've been in a coma? That I was taken up by the pre-Rapture party planning committee to make sure there were enough tatamis and warm Ovaltines for everyone? That I was so bored that I put my finger into my navel and, finding little to no resistance, kept pressing in and in further until my whole hand was in there... then I wriggled my wrist around and pushed further until I got a firm hold on my spine... which I pulled out and showed to myself just before I fell into the coma.

Actually I was just kinda busy...

...with a bit of writing, bit of reading, bit of editing. Nothing too stressful. The lab has also been more of a hive, too, given March break is next week.

My favourite phone question of this week, you ask?


He: Do you buy records?

Me: Yes we do.

He: Do you know the records that were thicker before they got thinner?

Me: We don't buy by thickness, only by title.


Went to The Capital last Thursday to see Sylvie, who were back in town, headlining this time. They got much (deserved) love from the crowd... but I was a little less impressed this time around. I feel like they're splitting into two separate bands... Joel and Riva in a mid-nineties pop/post-punk band (a-la-Jawbox) and Chris (w/ his table o' pedals) in an atmo-rock band (a-la-Radiohead). Not to say these things can't be combined... I just didn't think they always worked together... the wispy wispy parts seemed kinda tacked-on.

Their tour-mates From Fiction got my full attention though. A four piece from Toronto, they combined the instrumental destruction you usually expect from metalcore bands, but with an unscripted looseness closer to (gulp) jazz. Drummer Rob Gordon especially was a man possessed... all hovering cymbals, pounding on walls... only pausing to slam into the audience. I see by their site that Metric is taking them with them through the states! Americans beware!

What else, what else??

Got dates mixed up for the Akron/Family show in Saint John. I mistook Monday March 27th for Monday February 27th!!! Why would two 27ths both fall on Mondays? Only in Canada you say? In any case that's much better and likelier to be visited by me and The-One-Who-Michael-Jackson-Would-Possess (At least his skeleton). Embarrassingly I ended the evening at The Capital by loudly exclaiming to all in my path that they should go to SJ to see A/F on Monday (again the show wasn't on Monday).

Well. I have a few more things to accomplish before I call it a night... so... I'll leave you with tonight's track. Since you went a week without I've made it an extra-long track. Sharks and Sailors is taken from a 1997 e.p. by June of 44 called The Anatomy of Sharks. It bridged the gap between their two best albums, Tropics and Meridians and Four Great Points. JO44 brought together members of many disparate groups, incorporating all their strategies: Guitarists Jeff Mueller (Rodan) and Sean Meadows (Lungfish), Bassist Fred Erskine (Hoover, Crownhate Ruin) and Drummer Doug Scharin (Codeine, Rex). Their last album, Anahata, came out in 1998 and showed signs of a new direction that never got explored, though Mueller continued in a similar vein with The Shipping News while Scharin now concentrates mostly on his dub-based project Him (no, not the crappy Scandinavian goth-emo-metal band).

Sharks & Sailors

1 comment:

Joe Merrick said...

Right after that last Helmet track finishes, High on Fire starts. Cosmic alignment? Likely. Why o why did I never listen to Helmet back in the day?

We should convoy it to Akron/SJ. Thousands of us, in our big rigs, taking back the night.